
Monday, September 14, 2009

Front Porch View

The answer is Yes, I am going to miss living here! This is the view I get out my kitchen window on clear days here! Hannah's room is even better, you are able to see all of Mount Rainier from her window! Kendra tells me in the fall it's gorgeous with all the leaves changing colors! Hope I get to see that!

Japanese Steakhouse Night!

So it is aparently multicultural month in the Porter house. We decided a couple of weeks ago to brave taking the kids to a Japanese steakhouse and they loved it! Matthew kept begging the chef for "more Fire" while Hannah exclaimed "Wow" everytime he gave in to Matthew's request! It was fun and the kids really enjoyed their fried rice and "yum-yum" sauce!

Game Day!

Eating Ethiopian with Friends

So to Josh's joy, our fabulous friends Joe and Candace invited us to join them at an Ethiopian restaurant in Seattle to help celebrate their baby girl Ruby's upcoming 1st Birthday! We were thrilled to join them and quite plesantly surprised at how much I (Christy) enjoyed the food! And Ruby really seemed to enjoy her Birthday treat!

A Few Fishing Moments!

Making Doughnuts!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fun Moments I had to Share


Josh with Hannah, Christy with Matthew, Brad with Katelyn and Nadia with Lillie!
Nana and Grandad with Hannah and Matthew!
Great-Grandma and Great-Grandad Kachelreis with Christy and the kids!
Great-Grandma Ramsey with the kiddos!

Laura, Josh, Sarah and JoAnna!
Aunt Sarah and Uncle Josh, Aunt Laura, Uncle Nick and Owen, Daddy Josh, Christy, Matthew and Hannah, Cousin Josh, Aunt JoAnna, Adam and Uncle Glenn! (Did I get enough Joshs in there?)
Everyone! Grandma Kim, Grandpa Porter with Adam, Uncle Josh and Aunt Sarah, Cousin Josh on Uncle Glenn, Aunt JoAnna, Uncle Jerry and Aunt Carla, Aunt Laura with Owen, Uncle Nick, Grandma Porter (or mama Dawn as I call her), me with Hannah, and Josh with Matthew hiding behind my humidity hair!

Grandma Kim, Grandpa Porter, Josh and the kids, Grandma Porter, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Josh!

Last but not least, Josh with the kids and Grandma Porter!